The Lost Land Of 90’s Music Channels

The 90’s has the magic of music through various music genres like pop, alternative rock, alternative metal, synth pop when punk and grunge music was a dying genre. We binged on music videos and the never ending playlist of music on Channel V, MTV and other music channels. Why have these channels lost their vim and have become obsolete?

Those who love the old times might have not given away their vinyl records from the yester’s era. It’s a priceless possession, isn’t it? Music has evolved from the era of vinyl records to the advent of a humongous list of music genres from across the world. There was a time when everyone, especially, the teenagers were glued to the music channels.

The music and the enthusiasm of creating music was infectious it made music a celebrated and epochal timeline of the 90’s. But that timeline of excitement through music has gradually faded. Let’s explore the reasons why music has become a dying genre which retired music channels from the television altogether.

Don’t we have playlists on our phones anymore? Has the free content on YouTube and limitless bandwidth diminished the want to have a music playlist? How many of us have a playlist on our phones or devices that was once a sine qua none, like one of the essentials we wouldn’t do without. Music videos from the 90’s ooze brilliance and creativity. There seems to be no novelty in any of the genres of music anymore.

The irony is with better software and instruments, apps, that can be used to usher in some novelty in music, is all missing. Viewers hardly binge on music because there is interesting content on YouTube and OTT channels to binge on. But then again, who wouldn’t listen to music if there were a at least a list of songs made with an anthem of novelty. Music directors hardly seem to go beyond the hackneyed process of making music for the movies.

With abundant resources available through music composition software and other condiments that can help you create better music, there’s hardly any room for innovation and better music. Good music is the elixir of the soul. It still is and will remain to be. But, the essence of good music has been lost over a decade with nothing much left to salvage it; is it because nobody is trying?

With numerous contestants participating in music reality shows, what is in store for their future in music? Only the winner take away the laurels and opportunities. Isn’t that just sad? People with talent in music must be able to reach out to millions with numerous free platforms available to showcase your talent. It looks like nobody is trying hard enough. Whatsoever happened to passion and creativity in the music industry. Music reality shows lack them intoto.

Television seems to lack vigor without music channels. With a couple of them dedicated to movies, playing the old, and boring over and over like a broken record, why can’t we have music channels back on the television sets. Bring back the magic of Nikhil Chinnapa’s MTV Select, shows like Dewarists, and a whole bunch of good music shows that have been missing at least for a decade could make a come back with a fresh start. What do you think?

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